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Class loader library

Class loader library extend the possibility you now have with your dynamic object loading by locating a class not only by signature but also by interface, abstact, base class even annotation. You can even import jar not currently on your classpath. It was build for projects using a modular approach. You can use classes for what they provide without necessarily knowing their names.

  • Locate classes from interface, abstract or base classes.
  • Work on runtime class annotation too.
  • Load jar dynamically at runtime from any directories.
  • Build with an internal cache for fast access.
  • Also provide some helper methods to introspect classes
  • Read any informations from a class with RawClassDecoding
Sample code

This is just a snippet from the sample source code, see Download below

// locate all classes on classpath implementing SampleInterface.class, using default instance
Class[] res = ClassFinder.getDefaultInstance().whoImplement(SampleInterface.class);

// create a ClassLoader but restrict to a specific package for efficiency
ClassFinder cl = new ClassFinder("vostokclasslibsample.sample");

// with annotation, it's the same...
Class[] res = cl.whoImplement(MyAnnotation.class);

// load all jar from a new location (directory) at runtime
DynamicClassLoader dcl = DynamicClassLoader.newInstance(new File("/foo/bar"));

// check for who's implementing MyInterface.class
// Note signature, classes are not loaded yet
String[] list = dcl.whoImplement(MyInterface.class);

// create a new instance and casting it			
MyInterface my = dcl.newObjectInstance(MyInterface.class, list[0]);

RawClassDecoding was initially for internal use but can be useful too

// load by stream, can directly be an url 
InputStream stream = ClassFinder.getDefaultInstance().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("vostokclasslibsample/sample/raw/RawClassTesting.class");
RawClassDecoding decoding = new RawClassDecoding(stream);

// obviously this is just for debug ! 

VostokClassLib is made of a single jar weight 17.7Ko. Dependecies : VostokGlobLib and VostokIoLib




Maven repository

A repository will be available soon


VostokClassLib is provided for free, for community, private or commercial work under the creative commons licence, CC-BY, no attribution needed.