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qnetworkwatcher is a qt/qml service that listen to the network status and inform for any changes.

It give you a simple access to the network state (up/down) which adaptater is up and shortcut for wifi, eth and wcdma in both cpp and qml code.

  • simple, only add the directory and pri file to your project
  • easy to use, only one class as a service (singleton)
  • give you the network status live
  • shortcut for the main interface
  • fully integrated with qml
Some example

You can use Qnetworkwatcher from both Qt and Qml

Registering the service
// from the main process
QScopedPointer app(SailfishApp::application(argc, argv));
QScopedPointer view(SailfishApp::createView());

from Qml
var haswifi = networkwatcher.wifi;
Connections {
        target: networkwatcher
        onNetworkChanged : {
            console.log("Network status changed")
from QT
             bool haswifi = QNWI.getWifi();

Install is really simple and only require to add the lib to your project. Steps assume you use the default names and locations

  1. Copy the src/qnetworkwatcher directory into your src directory
  2. Edit the project's .pro file and include qnetworkwatcher.pri reference

From Github or inside the .tgz you will find a full qtcreator project.


You can get QNetworkwatcher from the github repository

Editing .pro file

Here the .pro file for the sample application

TARGET = harbour-test_qnetworkwatcher

CONFIG += sailfishapp


SOURCES += src/harbour-test_qnetworkwatcher.cpp

DISTFILES += qml/harbour-test_qnetworkwatcher.qml \
    qml/cover/*.qml \
    qml/pages/*.qml \
    rpm/harbour-test_qnetworkwatcher.changes \
    rpm/harbour-test_qnetworkwatcher.spec \
    rpm/harbour-test_qnetworkwatcher.yaml \

SAILFISHAPP_ICONS = 86x86 108x108 128x128 256x256